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The Entrepreneurial Nightmare - When Being Your Own Boss Backfires

Think back to the time when you first started your own business. Maybe you quit your day job to jump in with both feet, maybe you built it from the ground up, maybe you bought an existing business - you probably paid an awful lot of money for it.

Remember the excitement and enthusiasm with each sale, with each booking you received, every time the phone rang and someone wanted what you offer, it was a good day.

Fast forward a few years, ad look where you are now. Perhaps you are so busy now that your family life suffers. You spend all day working, then try to catch up with the paperwork late at night, when all you want to do is sleep. Your clients or customers, once so valued as the life-blood of your business, have become demanding and dependant on you. And it's you they want, not the staff you hired to help with the workload. Your staff - there's another headache in itself! They always want to be paid! Whether or not you have the money, wether or not you actually believe they've earned it, and they just don't give their heart and soul to the business the way you do . Your dreams of being your own boss have now back-flipped, and you're in an entrepreneurial nightmare. And what's worse - you are so attached to the business that you can't just quit. You are now a slave to your business, and there seems to be no escape from it.

Any wonder that running a business is statistically the most stressful things you will do. But it doesn't have to be like that. If we look at the structure of the business model, we can see what's gone wrong. and how we can fix it.

Step One: Go back to your business plan, if you have one, and if you don't get started writing one. Focus on your priorities in life. Why did you go into business in the first place? Compare that to where you are now, and consider if your actions are consistent with your goals. You will probably find that you need to change a few things.

Step Two: Divide your business into 3 departments - Operantions, Marketing, Finace. Make a note of all the activities that need to be done each day - week - month - quater - year, and list them under their respective department. This excersise alone should reveal some interesting things. Remember that real success comes when all 3 departments are working together in harmony.

Step Three: Create job titles for each responsibility within each department, and a brief job description for each title. Sure, at the start, you will wear all these hats, but having the role structured like this makes it easier to seperate and delegate. When you hire staff, they will take on one or more of your job titles - teach them how to do it the way you want it done, including the standard to be maintained, then let them take over, meaning that you need to let it go!

Remember that YOU are the captain at the helm. Your business is the vehicle that you are in control of to deliver to you the life that you want for yourself and your family, and that you are responsible for what happens in your business. It takes quite a bit of self discipline to get this right. As the business owner, you do also need to look after yourself. Your physical and mental health is important.

At Evertrue Business Solutions, we help new and prospective entrepreneurs (who don't really have a head for business) to turn their ideas into successful businesses. There is a way to get out of the entrepreneurial nightmare, and turn it around so you can once again live your dream.

Your Ideas and energy + Our experiance and dedication = Your small business dreams will come true.

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