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My name is Bronwyn Lawson.


After a few decades of business administration and bookkeeping experience (including 10 years of running my own bookkeeping business), I found an increasing number of business owners who want to learn basic skills with numbers in modern day business, like spreadsheets and cash flow projections. There are also countless business owners who have the basics well in hand, but want a better understanding and control of the numbers in their business, like analysing financial reports and statistical information.


My mother (an old-school maths teacher) had always taught me that "Numbers Never Lie" and in my decades of business experience, I have never seen this theory proved wrong - not even once.


My mission is to teach business owners everywhere to trust the numbers, to learn to read and understand the numbers when key decisions need to be made, to solve problems, and everything in between.


You may be someone who "can't get their head around maths" or who says that "I'm just not a numbers person", but I can show you that it's not as hard as you might think. Numbers are everywhere - not just in the business financial reports, but in the operations, the marketing, and all around you.


Being a business owner is a constant process of learning and growing. Increasing your knowledge and understanding of numbers will make you a better business owner. You will see for yourself what the numbers are telling you, and as we all know: Knowledge is Power!


I look forward to helping you learn to love the numbers, and to make them work for you.

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